Victoria West is a pleasant small Karoo town nestled between two high ridges and built alongside the seldom-flowing Brak River. Approaching the town from the south along the N12 highway, there is almost no sign of the town ahead nestled behind a fold of hills and one comes upon the town suddenly as the road rounds a spur in the surrounding hills.
Very little of the town is visible from the N12 highway and one has to turn off the highway onto the R63 towards Loxton and Carnarvon to experience what Victoria West has to offer. Victoria West is sandwiched between two parallel hills and consequently the town is long and narrow with the main road in the town bisecting the valley almost equally. The town was established in 1843 and there are a number of beautiful Victorian buildings to be seen particularly in the upper village area in Church Street leading out of the town towards Loxton.
To read more about the town and district click on the following link Victoria West
STAYenRoute, have identified the following personalized places of accommodation, in Victoria West that we recommend to our clients.
Die Pophuishoekie (The Doll House)
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